Nuns decry focus on immigration status of driver in fatal Va. crash

But do they even know who they are accusing?

The original story, to which this headline’s is a sidebar, reported that the “suspect, Carlos A. Martinelly Montano, 23, an illegal immigrant from Bolivia” had various drunken-driving arrests “under several names and Social Security numbers.” The story, the police and immigration officials refer to him a “Montano.”

Yet if the driver is Bolivian, his family name would be Martinelly (and I assumed this is an Anglo bureaucrat’s mistype of “Martinelli”), not Montano. The South American usage of last names is father’s name then mother’s name, with the family taking the father’s name, just as traditionally in the United States.

So, who is this guy?

How do they know he’s the same drunk driver as before? How do they know his immigration status is unauthorized if they can’t even get his name right?

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